Helpful Resources — weight management

Why Strength Training is Essential for Women as We Age (and How to Start Today)

Why Strength Training is Essential for Women as We Age (and How to Start Today)

by Mary Doube aka ‘Strong Coach Mary” Aging is a privilege, not a setback. Believe me I have never felt STRONGER and I am 51. But as we move into our 40s, 50s, and beyond, our bodies start to change—and not always for the better if we don’t take action. Bone density declines, muscle mass decreases, and strength can fade, leaving us more prone to osteoporosis, injury, and even falls. The good news? We can fight back. Strength training is your secret weapon to stay strong, confident, and capable through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.  You will often hear me say...

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Weight Gain and Menopause: Is Menopause Causing Weight Gain?

Weight Gain and Menopause: Is Menopause Causing Weight Gain?

Author: Nic Monteforte Trust me when I say this: I totally feel your pain around weight gain from menopause. It has been the bane of my existence ever since the dreaded M-word started to play its role in my life. Now, whilst I have always had to be conscious of my weight (because I’m a 5’1 stocky Italian), I generally found it easy to manage in the past with movement and clean eating. However, since menopause came on to the scene, no matter what I did, my belly fat just would not budge. Why does this happen? If you’re going...

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2 Food-Focused Steps to Alleviate Menopausal Weight Gain

2 Food-Focused Steps to Alleviate Menopausal Weight Gain

Author: Mary Doube Menopause and weight gain are real, and most women are led to believe that fluctuating hormones are the major contributor as we go through the menopausal transition. The truth is, hormones are only one of the reasons for weight gain after menopause. Depression, anxiety, and lack of activity can also be contributing factors to weight gain for many women. (Also read: Weight Gain and Menopause: Is Menopause Causing Weight Gain?) Let’s look at the facts Here are some of the scientific reasons why women gain weight during the menopause phase: Drop in estrogen levels causes bad bacteria...

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