Helpful Resources — coaches
Understanding Insulin
A GUIDE TO UNDERSTANDING INSULIN What is it: When we eat foods containing carbohydrates, like bread, rice, or fruits, our body breaks down these carbs into glucose during digestion. Insulin is a natural hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It has the important job of controlling how our body uses and stores this glucose (or blood sugar). It is vital part of our metabolism. How Does It Work: You can think of insulin being like a little key that allows glucose to enter cells throughout our bodies. After we have eaten, insulin is secreted into our bloodstream, it...
Meet Your Secret Weapons!
I wanted to take a moment to introduce you to my AMAZING coaches and your additional secret weapons. These incredible women have been by my side in the background providing the most incredible support to my community. Without them I would be LOST, and now you can have access to them too.