Author: Nic Monteforte
Menopause is real and it should not be ignored. Millions of women from all over the world have struggled with its symptoms whilst being unconsciously pushed to silently battle with it for a majority of their womanhood. One of Aviiana's amazing coaches, Nic, walks us through her own journey with menopause and how she avoided letting it take over her life. To learn about her story, including practical tips for minimizing her symptoms, read away!
It started with Endometriosis
Having spent the best part of 20 years suffering from severe endometriosis that led to an early partial hysterectomy (meaning, they left my ovaries because of my age), I really know how much hormones can be a debilitating experience. So, imagine how excited I was when post-hysterectomy, everything felt in balance for the first time ever.
I had six amazing years of freedom from the issues as it related to female hormones and boy did, I feel amazing. What they forgot to mention, though, was that a consequence of this hysterectomy could lead me to early menopause AND that there would be symptoms that would be brought on and push me straight back into another two-year journey of hormones controlling my whole life.
Menopause Fatigue is REAL
Now, whilst there are many symptoms of which I have felt them all, the one that has really lasted and has been most impactful is the fatigue! Yes, there is a symptom called Menopause Fatigue — it’s real and boy does it take its toll.

“But why?”, is the ultimate question…
The facts:
During perimenopause and menopause, our ovaries decide it’s time to stop producing estrogen and progesterone (progesterone is the hormone that helps us fall asleep and stay asleep). The knock-on effect is that our adrenals and thyroids stop working as they should, and these hormones regulate the energy that our bodies’ cells produce. All of this really wreaks havoc with how our brain works, and when you put it all together in the mixing pot, bingo – FATIGUE!
You would think that would be enough, but we need to add in the other little favourite symptom of mine — night sweats, which causes restless sleep patterns from overheating. One last final symptom is that lack of estrogen causes the need to ‘wee’ more, especially at night.
Is it any wonder that we are all feeling EXHAUSTED all the time? (Also read: What is Menopause and 5 Signs You May Be Experiencing It)
Any symptom relievers, please?
What can we do to alleviate this?

Yep, just when you think you don’t have the energy in you, you need to move even more. Exercise of any kind releases endorphins, which are the feel-good hormones that actually re-energize your body and make you feel good. Try to do it first thing in the morning when you generally have more energy, even if it's only for ten minutes. I promise it will change everything!
Avoid alcohol!
Alcohol is a hot flush trigger and goodness knows we don't need to prompt those coming on any more than they already do. Try to limit your drinks at night and leave it for the weekend when you have less pressure on your body.
Natural supplements
Magnesium and melatonin are two great supplements that help relax your physical body and support better sleep and a calmer nervous system. They are my go-to’s every night before bed and they do make a big difference.
These are my top three tips for starting to manage the menopause maze of fatigue. They were tools I used every day to get me through that extremely challenging time we all HAVE to endure.
I am through the hard part now and feeling back to my normal, unexhausted self…but I still am in bed by 9pm!
Need additional support to thrive through menopause? Strong Formula’s got your back.
The Strong Formula mobile app is committed to helping perimenopausal and menopausal women get their STRONG back, in every sense of the word. Equipped with the 5 x 6 formula program, our goal is to empower and guide women through their mental, physical, and hormonal health and well-being.
For more information, head to www.aviiana.com or follow Aviiana on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn pages.